Angioedema Treatment

Hives are small red bumps in your skin that usually appear suddenly. They are usually caused by allergic reactions to food, medicines and by many other reasons. A lot of people who have experienced it would usually look for treatment for hives as they are very itchy.

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The small red bumps will naturally disappear after a few days however you might want to seek medical treatment to relieve you of the discomfort associated with it. Usually, the doctor would prescribe antihistamines as well as ointments and creams. However, although the ointments and creams could get rid of the itch, it is usually messy to apply and would rub off your clothing.

There is also an alternative treatment for hives. This treatment usually espouses the natural way and includes aromatherapy and ayurevedic medicine. Putting ice or applying cold compress in the affected area is also proven to get rid of the itchiness. Drinking green tea is also known to make the healing process faster as well as reducing the of getting it again.

Finally, the best way to treat hives is to avoid getting it. Preventing from getting one is usually much easier and less expensive than curing it. Knowing what is the source of the allergens that have caused it is therefore important to effectively avoid triggering this allergic reaction

These are only among the many known treatments for hives. The pharmaceutical industry is still churning up medicines to help alleviate its symptoms while alternative medicine practitioners are also discovering the healing properties of many plants to cure it.